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Ursula K Designs
Email: [email protected]
Customs and Import Taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. For example, UK customers can expect a Duty of 20% on the purchase price plus shipping cost; for French customers, there is no Duty for a purchase price of 45 Euros or less, and for a purchase price of more than 45 Euros, the Duty is 24% of the purchase price (20% VAT plus 4% Clearance fee). Customs and Import taxes vary by country. You can estimate the VAT for your country from but please note that some countries impose additional fees.
Re-stocking fee (applies only to items shipped in the US)
For items returned in good condition for refund, there is a re-stocking fee which is the lesser of 10% of the purchase price and $15. This fee will be deducted from the refund.